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Canine Cognitive Skills


It’s fun teaching your dog to perform tricks – but did you know there are games you can play that have a far greater value?
In Canine Cognitive Skills, author Kay Attwood, a leading trainer and behaviourist, has devised series of games that not only develop your dog’s brain power, but also help him to live in the world as a well-rounded individual.

Canine Cross Training ebook


Canine Enrichment for the Real World


Canine Enrichment for the Real World Workbook


Canine Massage Ebook


Canine Nutrigenomics- The New Science of Feeding Your Dog For Optimum Health


Canine Play Behaviour


Canine Reproduction and Whelping


Canine Reproduction and Whelping ebook


Care of the Canine Athlete


Carting With Your Dog Ebook


Changing People, Changing Dogs ebook


Chart and Worksheet Refill Set for Puppy Culture Workbook
