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It’s A Dog Not A Toaster Ebook


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Most books on competitive obedience focus on the training and ring skills you need to be a winner with your dog in the ring – and that’s great. However if you find competing stressful or think you and your dog will not “succeed” against the “best” the key is defining success in a way that will make the sport enjoyable for you. Author Diana Kerew-Shaw takes on the subject of “how to find your fun” in It’s a Dog Not a Toaster, showing you how you can learn to enjoy the sport, even if your Basset Hound never comes close to a qualifying score.

You will learn about:

  • How to set goals that are meaningful and will work for you and your dog.
  • What it’s like to enter the “world of Obedience” and become a member of the “Cult” which inhabits its!
  • What every newcomer to the sport needs to know to get started including information about Fun Matches, Show n Go’s, and obedience clubs.
  • How changes in the obedience world are making the sport accessible to more competitors including the development of Rally Obedience and the opportunities which now exist for mixed breeds.

Diana Kerew- Shaw entered her first dog show in 1958, and has been a devoted follower of all things “dog” ever since. She has shown and titled her dogs in Obedience and Rally, while raising a family and managing a busy career.

Published 2011 Dogwise Publishing


“What sets It’s a Dog Not a Toaster: Finding Fun in Competitive Obedience apart from the thousands upon thousands of other competitive dog-training books? Blunt honesty. With chapters titled “We All Live in a Cult,” “They’re Not All Border Collies,” and “Things We Never Proofed For,” author Diana Kerew-Shaw leaves the training tips to the instructors and instead focuses on how to make the sport fun-or, at the very least, appealing to beginners. This book will not help your dog master the finish left or score a perfect 200. It does, however, answer many of the questions dog owners are afraid to ask before their first trial-for example, what’s the difference between a fun match and a show ‘n go? Can I say something if I notice the judge made a mistake? And how do I avoid looking like a “crazy dog lady” when I discuss my hobby with friends? Kerew-Shaw, who entered her first dog show in 1958, aims to make competitive obedience casual and accessible to the everyday dog owner-and she succeeds. She uses humor and anecdotes from her fellow exhibitors at the West Los Angeles Obedience Training Club to ease the anxiety many novices feel before their first trial. It’s a Dog Not a Toaster is the graduation gift for the dog owner who finished his first obedience class, or the experienced dog owner ready to dive into competitive dog sports”. Lindsey Kamrath

The Midwest Book Review
“Competitive Obedience sounds odd, but there can be much fun for both dog and master. “It’s a Dog, Not a Toaster: Finding Your Fun in Competitive Obedience” is a guide to this unusual nature of competition, and how to embrace the fun even if you never have a chance. Guiding readers through everything they need to know about the ‘sport’ and how to have fun with your dog doing it, “It’s a Dog, Not a Toaster” is a fine read for any pet lover looking for new fun to be had with their beloved pet”. James A. Cox

Available in packs of 3, 5, 10, 20 and 50.

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