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Scaredy Dog!


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What is it about? When dogs growl at other dogs, lunge at people and bark at everything it’s often mislabeled as “aggression.” But behavior that looks like aggression is often fear-based and should be treated as such. The appropriate term for this constellation of behaviors is “reactivity.”

This book helps dog owners and trainers to understand the reactive dog and help him change for the better. The process is easy to grasp, and once the changes begin to take shape, owners become so encouraged that improving their dog’s behavior suddenly becomes fun and exciting! If your dog can’t pay attention to you in public places, doesn’t behave like a good member of the family when guests visit, and looses control when other dogs are nearby, this book has a lot to offer.

All training methods and classroom techniques are non-force and based on developing a ‘working relationship’ with your dog. Easy to read and understand, 148 pages, with 68 photographs and graphics to help you improve behavior and solve problems.

This 2009 edition includes more specific examples, and more and better photos to give you a better idea of what to look for and how to handle your reactive dog.

You will learn:

  • Easy to read and implement how-to book on fearful and reactive dogs
  • Many pictures to illustrate key points
  • Originally published in 2004, and revised and expanded in 2009
  • How to develop a simple program addressing the stimuli which cause fear

More about Ali-  Ali has been running on-going reactive classes since 2002. With a Master’s degree in Education and a speciality in behavioural science, she teaches her students to think along the same lines, with a focus on positive reinforcement. She is currently on the Board of Directors of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers. Ali became one of the first 100 trainers to receive her CPDT title (Certified Pet Dog Trainer) from Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers (CCPDT). She became a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant (CDBC) through the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC). Ali is also the author of Focus Not Fear – Training Insights from a Reactive Dog Class. She lives in Eastern PA.

When was it published? 2009

Who published it? Tanacacia Press


Scaredy Dog addresses a very common issue in pet dogs today. Ali’s user friendly book is chock full of effective ways to work with a reactive dog.
Terry Ryan, Author of The Toolbox for Building a Great Family Dog


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