What’s It About?
Quick Clicks explains the technique of clicker training without the often-confusing jargon and provides step-by-step instructions for training a variety of fun and useful behaviors. Useful training includes Wait at the door, Walk nicely on and off-leash, and Confidence-building exercises, while a chapter on Tricks provides some fun and games. Early chapters help the novice practice the technique in quick and easy bits and pieces, while the final chapter explains the formal language of operant conditioning, further reading on the subject and provides a list of Resources.
About the Authors
Mandy has been an instructor for more than 25 years. She began clicker training early in her dog career after attending a seminar by Karen Pryor and Gary Wilkes in 1990. She owns three dogs and currently competes in agility, where she uses the precision and enthusiasm that clicker training offers to get the most from her dog. She is co-authorr of Right on Target.
Cheryl has been a journalist focusing on dogs for more than 15 years. She was one of the first to report on clicker training, and has continued to write and study about the technique. All her dogs have been rescues, and clicker training has proven a most excellent tool for helping them past their individual problems. Cheryl is an award winning author of Dog Friendly Gardens, Visiting the Dog Park and co-author of Right on Target.
Published 2001 Dogwise Publishing
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