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Mission Control – How to Train the High Drive Dog



Do you have a high-drive dog that’s raring to go?

That’s great! A motivated dog is fun to work with, and clearly enjoys the challenges you are setting. But do you sometimes wish you could reign in some of that enthusiasm and produce the results that you both deserve?

• Is your dog too excited to wait on the start-line in agility?
• Is he distracted by people, other dogs, and all the sights, sounds and scents in the environment?
• Does he struggle to process instructions?
• Does he bark and spin if he gets frustrated?
• Is he failing to focus on you?

Instead of relying on old-fashioned methods of coercion, author Jane Ardern, KCAI dog trainer of the year, has devised an emotionally-centred, choice-based training programme to tackle these issues.

By using a progressive series of interactive games she shows you how you can teach your dog to control his impulses and make ‘good’ choices that he will find rewarding. What’s rewarding gets repeated so, in time, your dog will learn a new way of behaving. The two of you will work as a team andbecause you are the fun person who allows him to access all the good things in life, he will try his heart out for you!

Mission Control is essential reading for trainers and handlers in all sporting disciplines, and for those who simply want to get the best from their companion dogs.

Illustrated with over 80 top-quality colour photographs.

About the Author

Jane Ardern BSc (Hons) Dip.CABT is a leading dog trainer and behaviourist in the UK, who specialises in issues concerning working and performance dogs. Recognised as a hands-on realist, Jane combines an academic background with extensive practical experience as an ‘in the trenches’ trainer. In 2016 she was Kennel
Club Dog Trainer of the Year.

In 2012 Jane graduated with an honours degree in canine behaviour and training from Hull University, achieving the highest grade ever given in the advanced instructing module. She was invited to return to the university to teach on the foundation degree course, and went on to study for a level 3 award in education and training. She was also given recognised teacher status up to level 6 in canine related subjects. Jane has lectured for COAPE, the internationally course provider for animal behaviourists.

Jane owns WaggaWuffins Canine College, which provides puppy, pet dog training and a practical instructor training programme. She provides online support through a membership community for other enthusiasts and professionals and is the creator of Smart Pup, a puppy training subscription box. Jane is a member of the Professional Speaking Association (PSA) and has spoken at seminars and events all over the UK.

Jane says she has learned the most when knee-deep in mud in a wood full a pheasants, rabbit and deer, applying the classroom theory to the real world. Her mission is to help people who are looking for a positive and ethical solution to problems around excitement, arousal, drive and predatory behaviour.

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Weight 0.700 kg


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